Reflected rays
I was struck by the "yellowness" of Easter Ross and the Black Isle when flying back from Stornoway yesterday. My objective of taking a series of aerial "harvest time" snaps was thwarted by a) being moved from my chosen seat [2A] on the Loganair Saab to 4A [right over the engine] for "trim" reasons and b) by vicious little rain squall as we flew over the Firth, causing a very grey evening with no visibility and one of the more interesting cross wind landings in Dalcross that I have experienced for a long time.
However driving home in the early evening, I was struck by the light and clouds over the South side of the Black Isle, and decided to take the short detour via Balbair point, just to catch the light, and see a cruise ship depart from another angle.
This snap is the result.